NAGDC web banner 2024

Catalog Advertising & Trophy Sponsorship

Now Accepting Ads for the 2024 NAGDC Catalog!

Support the NAGDC and our Amateur walking handlers by purchasing an ad in our catalog. Advertise your local club, event, kennel or recognize a dog or person. Ad pricing is as follows:

Black & White
Full Page $84
Half Page $52
Business Card $21
Color ads are available for an additional $25


Full page 4.5 x 8.5 inches
Half page 4.5 x 4.25 inches
Business Card 4.5 x 2.125 inches
Acceptable Formats: PDF [.pdf] or JPEG [.jpg] at 400 or greater dots per inch.

For assistance with file information and submission for publication, please contact Ken Lynch at

Ads must be submitted and paid for via PayPal by March 20, 2024

Your contribution will make a big impact on our upcoming trial. Thank you for joining me in supporting our GSPCA amateur handlers!

Chuck Parietti, Catalog Coordinator

Contact: Ken Lynch

Advertising Deadline March 20, 2024

Trophy Donations & Sponsorships

Contact: Sharon Fitzpatrick

We are also accepting donations to offset the cost of our trophies for the NAGDC and our Amateur Walking handlers. The committee and handlers are grateful for those who make a donation in your name, the name of your kennel or to recognize a special dog or person!

Placement Sponsorships

Winners Trophy – $185
Your dedication here

Winners Ribbon – $55
Your dedication here

Second Place Trophy – $160
Your dedication here

Second Place Ribbon – $55
Your dedication here

Third Place Ribbon – $55
Your dedication here

Fourth Place Ribbon – $55
Your dedication here

Awards of Merit (4) – $25
Your dedication here

General Trophy Fund Donors

Platinum Donation Circle:
Your dedication here

Gold Donation Circle:
Your dedication here

Silver Donation Circle:
Your dedication here

Bronze Donation Circle:
Your dedication here

Patron Donation Circle:
Your dedication here

Placement to Sponsor


Donate any amount. Donors are recognized in the catalog. The amount you donate will determine where you're listed under the following classifications:

Platinum: Anything above $501
Gold: $251-$500
Silver: $101-$250
Bronze: $51-$100
Patron: Up to $50

Remember to write your dedication before you complete your transaction!