Junior Activities
CONTACT: BECKY FEIGH rbfeigh@iquest.net
A Junior Handling seminar will be presented by the Juniors Committee following Futurity judging. This is your chance to get valuable feedback and instruction regardless of your skill level!! EVERYONE age 8 to 18 is welcome!! And yes, bring your dog!!
Participation is FREE, but it is requested that those who wish to participate pre-register in order to help plan the content of the seminar. To pre-register, please send age, current Juniors class, if any, and any specific topics/skills you’d like to have addressed during the seminar to: Ms. Becky Feigh • CELL: 317-650-3250 • rbfeigh@iquest.net
Participation is FREE, but please RSVP by May 1, 2025 to
Becky Feigh
18 Thornhurst Dr.
Carmel, IN 46032
317-650-3250 rbfeigh@iquest.net
This luncheon is open to ALL JUNIORS regardless if they are a GSPCA Junior member or not, as well as their parent or guardian.
A definite time and place will be announced at the National.
Resembling the Parade of Titleholders, this is a fun, non-competitive event meant to showcase our young GSP enthusiasts from ALL areas of the dog world, not just junior showmanship!
Eligible ages are 8 to 19 years old. Each participant will receive a personalized ROSETTE to commemorate participation. Each participant should submit a short personal paragraph (75 words or less, typed) to be included in the catalog, which may be read as each junior exhibits their dog. Some examples of things to include in the personal paragraph are: funny facts or general information about the dog, the junior, competition achievements, support roles you fill at shows (grooming, assisting, etc.), school, future plans, or anything else you’re proud of. Entry fee is $25.00 per junior.
Please email the dog’s registered name with titles, as you would like printed on the ribbon, along with the dog’s call name, junior’s name & personal paragraph to Michelle Rost at mlrost@wi.rr.com. Emails should request a return receipt.