Located one hour north of Portland, OR and two hours south of Seattle, WA the Cowlitz County Event Center is located in the heart of Longview, WA – one of Forbes’ most beautiful towns – away from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Our beautiful 47-acre campus allows you to get away from the noise and focus on the task at hand.

There is ample parking on site and all day of event parking is free at the Cowlitz County Event Center.
There will be NO crating space in the Event Center building. Day crating will be available in the Floral Building next to the Event Center on a first come first serve basis. Crates may be left overnight, but dogs may NOT be left in the building after posted show hours.
Show hours will be from 6:00am to 10:00pm Monday-Saturday, 6:00am to end of Show on Sunday.
All crates MUST be completely removed within 1 hour of the final Specialty Show awards on Sunday. All crates must have an ID with cell phone number clearly marked. Owners/ handlers will be responsible for their dogs and will be asked to relocate them if they cause a nuisance by barking or disturbing other exhibitors. Be advised that there will be NO Event Center security in the crating area. This is a non-tethering show and no electronic bark devices allowed to be used on the show grounds.
A section of the Horse Arena will be designated for obedience/ rally exhibitor’s crating and will be clearly marked. Crates may be left overnight, but all dogs will need to be removed from building within 1 hour of end of judging for the day.
Bathing stations will be available on the show grounds next to the crating building (Floral Bldg.).
This is a “self cleaning” show. Owners/ handlers are responsible and MUST clean up after their dogs. No exceptions. The Show Committee will police the grounds and any exhibitor not cleaning up after their dogs will be fined $100.00 for the first offense. Additional offenses will be dealt with by an Event Committee Hearing. There are ample areas to exercise dogs at
the Event Center. Please follow all signs of where you are allowed to exercise your dogs. No dogs are allowed in any carpeted areas. Please be respectful at your hotel/ motel and pick up after your dogs at those locations as well.
Food and beverages will be available for purchase. A Food Truck and or Coffee Cart will be onsite daily.
Camping is available on Event Center grounds. Refer to RV parking section in the premium for more information
Take I-5 Exit 39. From the North-turn left onto Allen Street. From South- turn right onto Allen Street. Follow Allen Street
over the river. Take the first left after Bridge onto 1st Avenue. Turn right onto Washington Street. Cowlitz County Event
Center is located on the corner of Washington Street and 7th Avenue.
RVs -take the second left on 5th Ave. At the ‘T’ turn left on Washington Street, then right into the Event grounds.