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Candidate for Northeast Director
Tiffany Cessna <nedirector@gspca.org>
Please allow me to introduce myself as your returning nominated candidate for the 2025-2027 Northeastern Director. My Name is Tiffany Cessna and I reside in Stewartstown, Pennsylvania with my husband and our four Shorthairs. I have been involved with German Shorthaired Pointers and the GSPCA for a little over 10 years now. I have been very fortunate to have mentors with 30 + years in this amazing breed, who have truly helped me become a better competitor, breeder and member. I feel as board member, you should have the ability to use the vast wealth of knowledge held by our membership to help guide us as a club into the future
At a very young age I knew I wanted to work with animals. The summer I turned twelve I spent it job shadowing at a local veterinary clinic, the following summer I was offered a position there and I have been in the veterinary field ever since. I currently am an orthopedic surgical technician at a Pet Emergency and Specialty Center in York, PA. There we see everything from foreign body ingestions to major orthopedic reconstructions. I feel my vast experience with organization, and leadership from this position, will be an asset if re-elected.
As your current NE Director I serve as liaison to the Annual Awards Committee, the Versatility Awards Program, the Database committee and the Yearbook Committee. I am the Annual Awards Chair and a member of the Health and Welfare Committee. I also am a member of the Mason Dixon German Shorthaired Pointer Club and serve on the show committee. These positions have been extremely rewarding, and I look forward to what the future will bring for each committee and club.
If re-elected I will represent the voices of the Northeastern members to the best of my ability. I feel a huge part of this position is supporting our members and our local clubs, because without each one of you, we would not be able to do this. I would like to sincerely thank the nominating committee for their recommendation as nominee for the Northeast Director position for a Third term. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the board and everything I have been involved in with the GSPCA, and if re-elected I will continue do my part to represent the Northeastern section.
It has been an an honor to serve as your 2023-2025 Northeast Section Director to Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. I welcome and encourage any questions or comments, I can be reached via email at nedirector@gspca.org. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me and I truly hope to have your continued support for the Northeastern Director for the 2025-2027 elections!
Tiffany Cessna
North Eastern Director