GCH CH Hotwired’s Jager He’s Da Bomb ROM
Breeder: Karin Cecil and Rob Cecil
Owner: Karin Cecil
ROM Awarded Spring 2020
For Producing:
Dam: CH Quantum’s Makin’ A Connection JH
GCH CH Hotwired’s Driving Me Crazy
Dam: CH Legacyk Fifth Avenue
CH Legacyk Hotwired Analyze This MH
Dam: GCH CH Bleugras Strike A Pose
CH Adamo’s The Party Never Stops
Dam: GCHB CH Hotwired’s Heartbreaker For Alajazz
GCH CH Hotwired’s Beneath A Dancing Star
CH Hotwired’s Tip The Balance CA CGC
CH Hotwired’s Huckleberry Hooligan
Dam: CH Hotwired’s All Fired Up
GCH CH Hotwired’s Going Fishing In the Dark
CH Hotwired’s In the Zone
CH Hotwired’s Ready To Run RI TKN
CH Hotwired’s The Game Changer